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NEW! Paperback Book - "Oracle Alchemy, The Art of Transformation in Life and Card Reading"
NEW! Paperback Book - "Oracle Alchemy, The Art of Transformation in Life and Card Reading"
NEW! Paperback Book - "Oracle Alchemy, The Art of Transformation in Life and Card Reading"
NEW! Paperback Book - "Oracle Alchemy, The Art of Transformation in Life and Card Reading"
NEW! Paperback Book - "Oracle Alchemy, The Art of Transformation in Life and Card Reading"
NEW! Paperback Book - "Oracle Alchemy, The Art of Transformation in Life and Card Reading"
Ana Cortez

NEW! Paperback Book - "Oracle Alchemy, The Art of Transformation in Life and Card Reading"

Regular price $ 24.00

(Paperback book, color interior, 129 pages, published Two Sisters Press, 2015)

Oracle Alchemy, The Art of Transformation in Life and Card Reading

by Ana Cortez


Customer reviews, 5 out of 5 stars

"Once Oracle Alchemy finished downloading on my Kindle, to my surprise, I couldn’t stop reading. There were no vapid clichés or long discussions of whether silk or cotton is better for card pouches here. No platitudes or pink, fluffy clouds, either, just a profoundly spiritual take on card reading expressed in simple, straight-forward language that had me saying “ah hah” and “amen” every few pages."



"Similar to Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist... Ana's timing is wonderful for sharing her book of knowing in these uncertain times when just such a book is needed for guidance. Thank you Ana!"



 "This book will take you deep and leave you shocked, amazed and wanting more."


 "...the most honest book on spirituality and card reading out there."


"Loved this book."


From the Introduction: “Rather than tell you what this or that card meaning is, or what formation to lay cards out in like most card reading books, (this book)... explains how to use any method of card reading and turn it into a sacred practice of personal communion, a practice of alchemical transformation.”


 In short, it is a book of real magic.

Guided by diverse Oracle imagery created by the author’s father (C.J. Freeman,) the reader is led by an enchanted hand through fantastical worlds. Illustrations in various mediums from all three of C.J.'s completed decks, plus sketch book images, photographs, and other unpublished Oracle work is part of what you will find.

Two books under one cover, “Part One” of Oracle Alchemy details Ana’s own early journey of struggle, self discovery and healing in a fairytale like account of what eventually became her calling as an “oracle.” “Part Two” is a practical manual of transformative perspectives and techniques that will rock your card reading world.

Ana’s experience in her field shines through, and her exceptional perspectives cannot help but leave the reader in a different place than before - a place of massive possibility.

But perhaps the most unique thing about Oracle Alchemy is that it uses the art of card reading as a metaphor for exceptional living.


More from the introduction: “Because card reading is the perfect metaphor for life. And to be a skilled practitioner is to be skilled at life. So we can be magicians in the card parlor and it schools us how to be magicians in the world. We can have the life of our dreams using card reading techniques...”

(Ebook available HERE.) 
(On Amazon HERE, in Paperback and Kindle)


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