36 Gates Astrological Clock - Timepiece for the New World
Learn the exciting connection between astrology, cartomancy and the ancient holy days of Solstice and Equinox with this beautiful wood Astrological Wall Clock.
See the full year of harmonic natural time in this work of art, that is good for every single year and never expires.
As solidly made as it is entrancing, this Clock aligns you with the rhythms of nature as you turn its mystical pyramid dial and contemplate the cosmic connections. Drift further and further from the shores of FAKE MANMADE CALENDARS that only serve to disrupt our natural frequencies.

Learn and observe the sacred trinity of ancient astrology and how it aligns with the original 52 card deck. Deepen your understanding and practice of the ancient mantic arts with this show stopping work of cosmic enchantment.
This 18x18" art timepiece in natural cherry wood operates manually, on a built-in gear box. It needs no battery or electricity of any kind and it never expires - an investment for a lifetime.

The center pyramid acts as a dial, that rotates and points to any date you choose. The gear box underneath evokes the cosmic mystery as you can literally see the gears turning through circular viewing windows.
Follow the peak of your pyramid outward and receive radiating layers of correspondences. Choose what you wish as your focus.
Starting from the center and moving outward toward the edge, what you find are:
- center hybrid pyramid with the 9 levels of Mayan Creation, the legendary eye of Egypt, and the Dragon's Egg.
- dates of the year, listed in 10 day time periods (corresponding to the sacred astrological triads, otherwise known as Astrological Decans or 36 Gates of Ancient Egyptian Astrology.)
- associated playing card, which acts as a study piece or meditation to deepen your cartomancy practice or energetic understanding of the particular time period.
- associated zodiac sign.
- the associated element, plus its mystic symbol and magic word.
- dots indicate whether your zodiac sign is cardinal, fixed or mutable.
- spellbinding quotation from King Solomon, as it relates to the 36 Gates or Astrological Decans.
- the degrees of the solar cycle (in 10 degree increments.)
- the ancient holidays (holy days) of natural time: Solstice, Equinox, Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane and Lammas.
Check out and align with your current time period, your birth date (or someone else's,) important upcoming events or significant dates from the past (in any year!) and begin tracing meaningful connections.
The 36 Gates Astrology Clock is perfect on its own, or pair with The Doors of Somlipith (book and playing card set) to illuminate and bring to life the relationship between playing cards and the Astrological Clock. Use code GATEACTIVATION at checkout in the Ana Cortez Store and receive 20% off when you order both the Astrology Clock and The Doors of Somlipith.

Mounting plate is built-in on the back (see photo). Colored spotlights in photo NOT INCLUDED but available from Amazon here. Also shown is black metal easel (also not included) for table display, and available from Hobby Lobby here.